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Vacuum Transformer Oil Purification Plant
The Factors that Affect double Stages Vacuum Transformer Oil Purification Plant September 7,2022.

Under the action of constant voltage, the ability of the medium to conduct current is called conductivity, and the reciprocal of conductivity is called medium resistivity. In other words, the conductivity of an automatic Vacuum Transformer Oil Purification Plant is the ability to conduct oil between two electrodes at a given pressure. The greater the conductivity, the greater the ability to conduct current. The volume resistivity of insulating oil is the unit volume resistivity of insulating oil between two electrodes, usually expressed by p. The resistivity R between the two electrodes is usually measured, and then the resistivity is calculated according to the following formula. For oil with low conductivity and high resistivity, its insulating properties are good. The resistivity of ordinary new insulating oil is 1x1012”~1x1014q.cm. As the temperature increases, the viscosity of the oil decreases, and the movement speed of some conductive particles in the oil increases, which will reduce the resistivity.

What are the factors that affect the double-stage vacuum Transformer Oil Purifier?

(1) The influence of temperature. Generally speaking, the volume resistivity of the Transformer Oil Purification Plant will change with the change of temperature. Therefore, during the measurement, the temperature must be kept within the specification so as not to affect the measurement results.

(2) It is related to the electric field strength, just like the oil test, due to the different electric field strength, the measured volume resistivity is also different. Therefore, in order to make the measurement results comparable, the residuals should be measured at the specified electric field strength.

(3) It is related to the time of applying the voltage, that is to say, if the time of applying the voltage is different, the remaining results will also be different. Generally, when measuring at room temperature, the time of applying voltage should be longer (if not less than 5min). When measuring at high temperature, the pressure time can be shortened.

The Double Stages Vacuum Transformer Oil Filtration System is a kind of mechanical equipment, which can remove the solid impurities and moisture in the transformer oil, improve the performance of the transformer oil, and improve the insulation strength of the transformer oil.

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